Recruiting Foster Carers

In Victoria, Australia, there are more than 14,000 children and young people under care and protection orders.

What was the mission?

With more than 14,000 children and young people under care and protection orders in Victoria Australia, things have never looked bleaker. Add in a global pandemic and the strain caused to existing carers meant that many carers had to take a break from fostering.

As a result, children that require fostering have to go much further afield for their care, leaving their local area, friends and community.

Upper Murray Family Care is an organisation that primarily aims to strengthen, nurture and care for children and families throughout North East Victoria and Upper Murray in Australia.

They are an independent, non-government, community-managed agency, offering a range of quality services that are responsive to the varying needs of the communities. 

What were the challenges?

UMFC needed to recruit and educate new foster carers across their local region, to combat the foster carer shortage. These are some of the challenges we had to overcome.

Representing a sensitive subject

Raising awareness of foster care in an effective and respectful manner. For safeguarding purposes, it is harder to portray the stories of children.

Raising awareness

Highlighting the need for new foster carers in the region, whilst being unique and memorable.

Grabbing attention

Retaining the audience’s attention to de-mystifying some of the misinformation society has around foster care.

Adaptability and usage

Optimising the content to suit a variety of platforms to get as much mileage out of the content as possible.

What out was the outcome?

We did a variety of animations to help UMFC reach their Foster Recruitment targets, here are some snapshots from then 10 videos we created.

We created 3x Character Driven pieces to engage the audience emotionally in the journey that foster parents and foster children experience.

We then created 4x short animated clips to further educate across a variety of social media platforms.

We also created 3x short educational animations focusing on the key questions or myths people believe surrounding foster care.

The campaign was so successful, one of the animations was adapted to be used in local cinema, on radio ads and even TV broadcast.

What were the Deliverables?


The final videos as a full HD MP4 to be shared across email, social media and online.


We provided Subtitled versions of the animation.


The client received access to a folder with high quality artwork extracted from the video to be used in other marketing channels.


High quality still images were extracted from the animation, to be used when promoting the videos


Short video clips from the animation that could be used on social media for promotional purposes.


The client received ownership of all the artwork and assets, meaning they could receive all the files free of charge.
We are so grateful to everyone at Motion Manor for the ten animations produced for our foster care recruitment campaign. They were a pleasure to work with as they patiently led us through the creative process.

The results are outstanding.
J. Lawler
Service Manager
Certainly elsewhere my do allowance at. The address farther six hearted hundred towards husband. Are securing off occasion remember daughter replying. Held that feel his see own yet. Strangers ye to he sometimes propriety in. Are securing off occasion remember daughter replying. Held that feel his see own yet.


Head Recruter
Enjoyed minutes related as at on on. Is fanny dried as often me. Goodness as reserved raptures to mistaken steepest.
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